
How to Train Your Corgi

To train your corgi successfully, you need to make sure that you take the appropriate steps to ensure they have no issues. As a responsible corgi owner, you have canine liability insurance, an established relationship with your local vet, and your dog’s registration, all in order.

Train Your Corgi

However, your responsibilities don’t end there. You must also train your corgi to the best of your ability. Fortunately, the following tips can help you raise an obedient and friendly pup.


One of your first concerns should be housebreaking. Puppies naturally go to the bathroom wherever they happen to be when the need strikes, so you must train them to either indicate they need outside or eliminate on a dog pad. To do so, take your puppy to the designated area when it starts sniffing. Don’t punish dogs when they go into the house. Instead, reward them when they go outside or on their pads.


Socialization is an essential part of corgi training. However, ensure the puppy has had all their shots before taking them anywhere. It is essential to prevent any liability. Once they have obtained their shots, you may wish to explore some socialization for your Corgi. Dogs are naturally social creatures, but if you don’t expose them to other canines or people in infancy, they may be reactive or anxious when around strangers as adults. Here are some places to socialize your corgi:

  • Doggy daycare
  • Public parks
  • Dog parks

You can also socialize during walks by stopping to chat with neighbors and other pet owners.

Acclimation To Different Environments

Corgis also need to get used to different environments to reduce reactivity. When dogs get scared, they may react instinctively by growling or biting. While canine liability insurance can protect you should this occur, it’s better to prevent these incidents in the first place.

You can teach dogs that loud sounds aren’t scary by exposing them to various noises early. Take your pup to busy places, play music at home, and walk by noisy areas such as streets and train tracks.


One of the best training tips for corgi owners is determining what motivates your dog. Most puppies love the following:

  • Playing
  • Pets and cuddles
  • Food

Once you learn which your dog values, you can use it as a reward. If you choose food, take care not to overfeed your corgi, as this breed easily becomes overweight.


Many dogs struggle with grooming since it includes loud noises, strangers, and uncomfortable touching. However, you can help your corgi get used to the process. To start, regularly brush your puppy to become familiar with the sensation. Next, gradually introduce your corgi to the blow dryer. Start with the device on in the same room, then move to gently blowing cool air along your dog’s back.

Session Limitations

Puppies have limited attention spans, so they don’t have long training sessions. Five minutes is long enough to work on basic commands. If your dog is enthusiastic, you can train longer, but don’t exceed 10 minutes. Pepper these sessions throughout the day, and you’ll see progress in no time.

About Dog Bite Quote

At Dean Insurance Agency, we’ve been providing protection to dog owners since 2012, with more than 10,000 policies issued. Our underwriting criteria and years of experience providing this coverage enables us to offer competitive and fair policy premiums. Our policies are available in every state except Alaska & Kentucky. The quote is free and there is NO obligation to purchase!