Pro Skateboarder Loses Lip in Dog Attack
Every year, over 4.5 million dog bite incidents occur in the United States. Every day, more than 1,000 individuals report to the emergency room for treatment related to dog bites. Many of these incidents result in serious injuries requiring reconstructive procedures, and some are even fatal. Considering the prevalence of these animal attacks, dog bite insurance is advisable for dog owners. While every circumstance of a dog bite victim is tragic and serious, the story of professional skateboarder Brooklinn Khoury is particularly dramatic.
Brooklinn Khoury’s Dog Attack
In October 2020, 22 year old Brooklinn Khoury was riding high on the success of her skateboarding fame and skyrocketing modeling career. Just weeks later, she was preparing to film her first television commercial on November 3 when her cousin’s pit bull, Diesel, attacked her.
Khoury reports that the dog was hanging on her face for more than 30 seconds, shaking her head like a toy. While she tried to match the dog’s movements to avoid the pain of her tearing skin, the animal’s unyielding jaws finally ripped off her upper lip and parts of her nose. By nature, dogs can be unpredictable. In such a situation as this, dog bite insurance would have provided much-needed finances to help with Khoury’s upcoming medical bills.
Hospital Treatment
The hospital was unable to reattach Khoury’s upper lip. She states that her family and medical staff were all nervous for her to see her face without bandages after the incident. The image was traumatic, as the model’s upper gumline was completely exposed. On Instagram, the model posted that she was concerned about her future and feared that she may never again be able to smile.
Staying Positive
Khoury continued posting on Instagram, focusing on impressive skate tricks and the slogan “hug someone you love today” while covering her nose and mouth with her hand or a bandage. In the midst of this positivity, Khoury’s Instagram followers jumped from 11,000 to over 60,000. While many people ask “what happened to the dog that attacked Brooklinn Khoury,” the model continues to profess her love of animals and has kept that part of the story out of the media.
Future Outlook
Khoury has a long road ahead with a lengthy string of reconstructive surgeries planned. The first procedure involved a skin graft from her arm to her lip. Her doctor describes the surgery as “artwork” and plans at least five additional procedures before her lip and nose are complete.
Homeowner’s insurance often excludes specific breeds, and in a situation such as this the pit bull may not be covered. Obviously, the ramifications of dog attacks can cause serious financial hardships. Dog bite insurance would be a helpful resource for dog owners who find themselves in one of these tragic situations.
About Dog Bite Quote
A Tail of 2 claims:
Bob’s dog, Max, has never injured anyone, animal or human. However, when a recent pizza delivery coincided with the neighbor walking his new Yorkie puppy, Max jumped at the chance to make a new friend and flew out the open door. In his excitement, Max knocked the Yorkie’s owner into the street and broke his arm. Since Max is insured, Bob knows that a visit to his Client portal will ensure his neighbor’s medical care, plus defense costs and any applicable settlement, will be taken care of with no deductible.
Jim’s dog, Bo, also loves his neighbor’s Yorkie and finds himself in the same mess as Max. Now what does Jim do? Once the ambulance leaves, Jim calls his homeowners company. Luckily, his policy still covers accidents caused by pets (many do not), but limits the coverage to $25,000. Jim is left paying a hefty deductible and wondering whether he has enough coverage for the defense, medical payments, and settlement.
Don’t be a Jim. Let us be there to take care of you.
Remember that most injuries happen off premises. Our policies include off-premises coverage, which is usually only 50/50 in a homeowner’s or renter’s policy.