They Can Confiscate Your Dog For Biting
Few people realize they can confiscate your dog for biting someone, which can be a devastating loss to a dog owner. One mistake can destroy a family and cost you a lot of money.
The Scenario
Rebecca had a dog named Milo, a German shepherd, who she took everywhere. One day, she was walking Milo down the street when a cat appeared. Milo growled at the cat and yanked Rebecca off her feet and escaped. Then, he rushed the cat and caught it, attacking it viciously, causing grave injuries. It turned out that the cat belonged to someone in the neighborhood. Now, the owner is furious and has called animal control. Rebecca is in trouble.
The Claim
The cat’s owner claimed that Milo viciously attacked her cat and should pay for that. She called animal control, and they confiscated Milo. Ultimately, they have took Milo, and now Rebecca has to pay the boarding fees, along with the charges that the cat’s owner is bringing.
Rebecca contended that Milo has never attacked anyone and she should retain control of her dog
It was a simple day, and it turned into a tragedy. They can hold your dog for one little mistake, especially when they hurt another animal or nip a human being. Rebecca should have steered Milo away from the cat, especially if there was a chance that he might have shown aggression toward another animal. Rebecca is responsible for boarding fees and has to fight the aggressive label they have given her dog. It may take months or years to resolve this issue and ultimately cost Rebecca thousands of dollars.
About Dog Bite Quote
At Dean Insurance Agency, we’ve been providing protection to dog owners since 2012, with more than 10,000 policies issued. Our underwriting criteria and years of experience providing this coverage enables us to offer competitive and fair policy premiums. Our policies are available in every state except Alaska & Kentucky. The quote is free, and there is NO obligation to purchase!