dog bites and boy playing with puppy on grass

What To Do If Your Dog Bites a Child

Responsible dog owners always strive to ensure the safety of their furry companions and the people around them. But dog bites can occur unexpectedly, especially when children are around. 

In the United States, over 2 million children are bitten by dogs every year. The Humane Society estimates that approximately 51% of dog bite victims are children. More concerning, around 26% of these children require emergency treatment. 

These statistics highlight the importance of responsible pet ownership and educating adults and children about safe interactions with dogs.

Immediate action is crucial if your dog bites a child. This article outlines essential steps to prevent further harm in such situations.

Secure the Area and Assess the Situation

First, ensure the safety of the child and yourself. Separate the child from your dog and move them to a safe location. Restraining your dog or confining them elsewhere can prevent any further incidents.

If the child is injured, assess the severity of the bite. If the injury is severe or requires medical attention, call for help immediately. 

Sometimes first aid may be necessary. If so, clean the wound with mild soap and water and apply an antiseptic. Finally, cover the wound with a clean bandage. 

Exchange contact information with the child’s parent or guardian. This helps facilitate communication if further medical treatment is necessary. 

Cooperate with Authorities and Professionals 

Dog bites involving children sometimes require reporting to animal control or the police. It is essential to cooperate fully and provide information or documentation. 

Seek guidance from veterinarians or trainers to assess your dog’s behavior and implement training or management strategies. This could prevent future incidents and ensure your dog’s and others’ safety.

Canine Liability Insurance: Protecting Your Dog and Your Finances

Dog owners should consider obtaining canine liability insurance. This protects dog owners from liability when their dog causes injury or property damage and typically covers potential damages and medical and legal fees.

Obtaining canine liability insurance can protect dog owners from potential financial burdens. Getting appropriate coverage ensures you have the necessary support to handle unexpected events.

About Dog Bite Quote

At Dean Insurance Agency, we’ve been providing protection to dog owners since 2012, with more than 10,000 policies issued. Our underwriting criteria and years of experience providing this coverage enable us to offer competitive and fair policy premiums. Our policies are available in every state except Alaska and Kentucky. The quote is free, and there is NO obligation to purchase!