
What To Do When a Dog Bites

Your dog has bitten someone! Now what? It’s crucial to know how to handle these situations to prevent any further complications. Seeking guidance and familiarizing yourself with your coverage options is key. Let’s make sure you navigate this tricky situation with care! 

Immediate Steps After Your Dog Bites Someone

First, you should prioritize the victim’s safety and well-being. Ultimately, you want to offer any assistance they need and perhaps help them get medical attention. Additionally, you should exchange contact information with one another. 

It would also be wise to speak with any witnesses present to obtain an accurate account of events. Finally, cooperate with any authorities who may arrive on the scene. 

What to Expect After a Dog Bite

There may be legal ramifications from this bite. Brace yourself for potential contact by local authorities, including animal control officers. The extent of their involvement will vary depending on your local jurisdiction. No matter the scenario, there are some hurdles to overcome. 

You will also need to familiarize yourself with the medical treatment required for the victim. It’s important to follow up with them, considering the emotional and psychological impact that’s likely to affect both parties involved. Be prepared for these challenges and approach them with empathy and diligence, and soon you’ll be able to put this incident behind you. 

What to Do After Your Dog Bites Someone

Contact your insurance company immediately after the incident and inform them about the dog bite. Then, provide any necessary documentation, such as medical records and details from the incident. The more you cooperate with insurance claims procedures, the smoother this process will be.

How Canine Liability Insurance Can Help You 

When it comes to peace of mind and protecting your four-legged pal, obtaining canine liability insurance coverage is a smart move for anyone with a canine companion. This standalone policy, separate from your homeowners’ insurance, acts as a safety net by providing coverage for injuries and personal damages caused by your dog. From medical expenses to legal fees and settlements, it’s there to offer protection up to the policy limit. 


It’s crucial to understand the steps to take when your dog bites someone. Equally important is having the right coverage in place to shield you from any repercussions. If such an unfortunate incident occurs, be sure to seek legal advice and take appropriate action. Moreover, it’s always wise to familiarize yourself with the risks your furry friend may pose. By being proactive, you can actively work toward preventing future dog bite incidents. And remember, Dog Bite Quote is here to provide the dog bite coverage you need for comprehensive protection. 

About Dog Bite Quote

At Dean Insurance Agency, we’ve been providing protection to dog owners since 2012, with more than 10,000 policies issued. Our underwriting criteria and years of experience providing this coverage enable us to offer competitive and fair policy premiums. Our policies are available in every state except Alaska and Kentucky. The quote is free, and there is NO obligation to purchase!