
When Your Dog Escapes and Bites Someone

You are sitting at home watching television. Initially, you think everything is good, especially with your dog resting in the backyard after you fed him. But you are about to get a surprise when you hear the back gate rattle. Confused, you bolt from your seat just in time to see your dog bite someone on the street. Things can go bad for you when your dog escapes and bites someone.

The Scenario

Ted has a dog that is seven months old. He has attempted to train his dog, but it has not gone his way. Now, he lets his dog stay in the backyard with the belief that the six-foot fence will hold him. But Ted does not anticipate the energy burst his dog has. Unfortunately, something in the street distracts his dog, and he proceeds to jump over the fence. Once this happens, Ted’s dog jumps right in a hiker’s path and bites them.

The Claim

The hiker alleges injuries from the bite and claims that Ted negligently allowed the dog to roam free. Ted claims that his dog was in the backyard behind the fence, and he kept the gate closed. However, his dog jumped over and escaped. It, unfortunately, resulted in the hiker being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Ted is in trouble for not preventing his dog from escaping the yard.


Ted could have trained his dog better. Furthermore, he could have taken extra precautions to ensure his young dog did not escape the yard. Because his dog was young, they did not have the training or the age that might have prevented this. Therefore, Ted must pay the penalty after his dog escapes and attacks someone.

About Dog Bite Quote

At Dean Insurance Agency, we’ve been providing protection to dog owners since 2012, with more than 10,000 policies issued. Our underwriting criteria and years of experience providing this coverage enable us to offer competitive and fair policy premiums. Our policies are available in every state except Alaska and Kentucky. The quote is free, and there is NO obligation to purchase!